"Wreck-It Ralph" is a 2012 animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The movie is set in the world of arcade games and follows the story of Ralph, a video game villain who is tired of being the bad guy and wants to be a hero. Here's a brief overview of the movie's plot: The central character, Ralph, is the antagonist in a classic arcade game called "Fix-It Felix Jr." In the game, Ralph wrecks a building, and the player-controlled character, Fix-It Felix Jr., repairs the damage. Tired of always being the bad guy and not receiving any appreciation from the other characters in his game, Ralph decides to leave his game in search of a medal to prove he can be a hero. Ralph travels through the arcade's central hub, known as Game Central Station, which connects all the arcade games. He enters a first-person shooter game called "Hero's Duty" and meets Sergeant Calhoun, the no-nonsense leader of the game. In an attempt to earn a med...