"Zootopia" is an animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released in 2016. The movie is set in a bustling, modern metropolis called Zootopia, where anthropomorphic animals of all shapes and sizes live and work together. The story follows Judy Hopps, a small bunny with big dreams of becoming the first rabbit police officer in Zootopia. Despite facing skepticism and prejudice from her larger and more predator-oriented colleagues, Judy is determined to prove herself. She teams up with a fast-talking fox named Nick Wilde, who is initially reluctant to help her. Together, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the harmony of Zootopia, involving missing predators that have mysteriously gone savage. As Judy and Nick delve deeper into the mystery, they discover the challenges of overcoming stereotypes and prejudices in their diverse society. The film addresses themes of tolerance, acceptance, and breaking down barriers. Ultimately, Judy and Nick work together ...