Kung Fu Panda 3
"Kung Fu Panda 3" is the third installment in the "Kung Fu Panda" animated film series produced by DreamWorks Animation. Released in 2016, the film continues the adventures of Po, the Dragon Warrior panda, and his friends. Here's a summary of the story: Plot Summary: The story begins with a flashback to ancient times where Master Oogway battles against the evil spirit warrior Kai, who wants to steal the chi (life force) of all kung fu masters. Oogway defeats Kai and banishes him to the Spirit Realm, but not before Kai vows to return. In the present, Po, the Dragon Warrior, continues his training under Master Shifu's guidance. Po struggles with his identity, torn between his responsibilities as a warrior and his love for his adoptive father, Mr. Ping, who runs a noodle shop. Suddenly, Kai returns from the Spirit Realm and starts capturing the chi of kung fu masters, turning them into jade statues. He seeks to take Po's chi to become the most powerful wa...